Fixing Plone 5, the Framework

Johannes Raggam, Jens Klein
Length: Long Talk
Target Level: Expert
Target Audience: Integrator, Developer
Plone is known to be a great CMS and a great framework for CMS-ish applications. Because of the many improvements in Plone 5 we used it for our projects, even before its official release. Like with any Dot-Zero release, this comes at a cost: bugs, regressions, missing functionality. But this is open source, so we gave back and – together with the Plone community – fixed all the problems along the way to everyone's benefit.
This talk is about the requirements we had, the problems we faced and the solutions we found on three example projects:
- a multi-site project for the Austrian Architectural Forum
- a multi-language site for the Swiss banking association
- consulting for Porsche Informatik which produced an in-house solution for around 800 sites
We heavily used Dexterity, Lineage, tiles and parts of Mosaic, sub-site specific local registries, folderish types, a shop system and 3rd party service integrations including a custom SAML2 PAS plugin.
Plone 5 helped us a lot to meet and exceed the requirements. But due to the early adoption, we had to face a lot of problems and find solutions which we brought back upstream. The end result is again a Plone-the-framework as we need it.