Greater Than the Sum of the Parts

Lessons from integrating Pyramid, React, and Plone (and elasticsearch, and Salesforce, and a payment gateway, and...)
David Glick

David Glick

Length: Long Talk

Target Level: Intermediate

Target Audience: Developer

The Volunteer Management System (VMS) is a tool that Jazkarta built for Washington Trails Association to manage volunteer sign-ups for helping maintain hiking trails in the state of Washington. It allows staff to schedule work parties, volunteers to find and register for them, crew leaders to access information about their crew, and land managers to report on work that was done in their region.

This talk is aimed at developers and will discuss the technical architecture of the project. Topics will include:

  • My opinions about Pyramid, the so-called unopinionated framework. I'll share why Pyramid rocks for this type of project and some of the choices we made.
  • The major benefit of using ReactJS for frontend development. (Hint: it's not the reasons you've heard.)
  • Techniques for making a Pyramid app work alongside a Plone website as one seamless website from the user's perspective.

Maurits van Rees' notes

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