Plone Security in Context
Plone is one of the most reliable content management systems and it has a very impressive security track record compared to other relevant commercial and open source CMSes.

Alexander Loechel
Length: Long Talk
Target Level: Beginner
Target Audience: Integrator, User, Developer
Alexander will provide insights into the security concepts of Plone and other systems. He will also explain why Plone is a good choice for security-critical portals and websites, referencing several security studies and techniques that analyze various security concerns. In addition to a general overview of security concepts and how Plone utilizes them, Alexander will also describe how the security teams of different CMSes work, making this talk interesting to decision makers as well as system administrators, integrators and developers.
When: From 10/21/16 11:10 AM to 10/21/16 11:50 AM