Transforming for the Future: A Swiss University Success Story
Tom will outline the development process, the tools used, and show some of the Plone code that made the relaunch of this site a success.
Tom Gross
Length: Short Talk
Target Level: Intermediate
Target Audience: Integrator, Designer, Developer
Tom will describe the WebRelaunch project at FHNW - the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzeland. He will cover
- The lessons they learned about taming Plone 5 and
- Working with diverse external partners who had never heard of Plone
- Completely separating the front end from the editing area
...and several other hurdles and goodies they encountered on the way to their new website, which will be released soon.
When: From 10/21/16 2:00 PM to 10/21/16 2:20 PM