Advanced Python

Advanced web programming with Python.

Instructor: Oz Tiram

Length: 1 day

Target Level: Expert

Target Audience: Developer

  • When: Monday, 9:00-6:00, MIT E25-401
  • What you will learn: Dive into into the Python language by building a mini-WSGI web framework. Along the way, we will make effective use of decorators, descriptors, and metaclasses. We will also talk about testing our WSGI application and how to deploy it with a web server that supports WSGI.
  • Prerequisites: Familiarity with Python.
  • Things to bring: Laptop with Python 3 installed. The usual developer tools are needed too. Make sure you have git, pip + virtualenv, and a code editor of your choice installed.

When: From 10/17/16 9:00 AM to 10/17/16 6:00 PM


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