Add Even Richer Interaction to your Site: plone.patternslib

Making it easy to use JavaScript patterns in Plone 5.
Wolfgang Thomas

Wolfgang Thomas

Length: Long Talk

Target Level: Intermediate

Target Audience: Integrator, Designer, Developer

Plone already ships with several rich interaction patterns, available via the "mockup" package. Patternslib, which shares common ancestry with mockup, offers more goodies for integrators and developers who want to enhance the user experience of their site.

But how to make use of those extra patterns if you're not a JavaScript guru, or things like "bower" and "bundle" sound intimidating? In comes plone.patternslib, the add-on that does the integration for you. All you need to do is add classes and configuration options to your templates.

The talk will focus on how to use various patterns in a stock Plone 5 site, based on real-world examples, such as:

  • Automatically submitting a form on user input
  • Using selection fields with auto-suggestion
  • Showing / hiding parts of a form depending on previous input
  • Updating only parts of your page with injection

We'll also take a look at the Patternslib documentation so that we can see what options are available to us. And for inspiration, we'll look at some advanced pattern combinations used in Quaive (Plone Intranet).

When: From 10/20/16 11:10 AM to 10/20/16 11:50 AM

Location: Adams/Attucks

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