Sign up for the Plone Conference Mailing List
Be sure to arrive in Boston by Monday morning so you can take advantage of the training opportunities. There's something for everyone - classes about Plone, classes about other Python web technologies, classes for content editors, for integrators, for themers, and for hard core developers. You'll be able to attend whichever classes you want.
Interested in Plone but not able to attend the conference? Have we got a deal for you! Learn Plone, an introduction to content editing, is free and open to the public!
Note that classes for developers generally require familiarity with Python, classes for integrators mostly do not - the latter focus on functionality that is accessible through the web (TTW).
View the training schedule :

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If you take a training class please give us feedback!
Two Day Classes
MASTERING PLONE 5 DEVELOPMENT - Philip Bauer and Thomas Schorr - Developing custom websites in Plone 5. Some Python and HTML experience required.
AN INTEGRATOR'S GUIDE TO CUSTOMIZING PLONE - Eric Bréhault, Fulvio Casali, David Bain, Steve McMahon and Jean Jordaan - Create custom content types, a design for a website, layouts for homepages and content types, and custom application logic. All in the browser! A series of four half-day classes that can (but do not have to) be taken together: TTW PLONE CONTENT TYPES, TTW PLONE THEMING, TTW TILED LAYOUTS FOR PLONE, TTW CUSTOM FEATURES FOR PLONE (see below).
One Day Classes
JAVASCRIPT DEVELOPMENT FOR PLONE - Nathan Van Gheem and Ramon Navarro Bosch - Learn best practices in Javascript development, how to develop and test your own patterns, and how to integrate your custom Javascript applications with Plone. Technologies will include NPM, Grunt, Patternslib and React.
SOLR INTEGRATION - Tom Gross - How to add enterprise-grade search to your Plone site.
ADVANCED PYTHON - Oz Tiram - Best practices for Python web development.
Half Day Classes
LEARN PLONE! - Paul Roeland - How to effectively manage your Plone website content. Free and open to the public!
CONFIGURING PLONE - Fred van Dijk - Plone has a multitude of configuration options to make it do what you want. This training teaches you most of them.
HACKING PLONE 101 - TTW PLONE CONTENT TYPES - Eric Bréhault, Fulvio Casali - Create custom content types using the Dexterity framework to store your data in a structured way without programming.
HACKING PLONE 102 - TTW PLONE THEMING - Eric Bréhault, Fulvio Casali - Use Plone's Diazo tool to create a beautiful theme for your website without programming.
HACKING PLONE 103 - TTW TILED LAYOUTS FOR PLONE - Eric Bréhault, Fulvio Casali - Create layouts for homepages and content types without programming using Mosaic.
HACKING PLONE 104 - TTW CUSTOM FEATURES FOR PLONE - Eric Bréhault, Fulvio Casali - Rapido allows you to create application logic, including simple Python scripts, without having to know Plone internals.
DEPLOYING YOUR PLONE WEBSITE - Alec Mitchell, Steve McMahon - What options do you have for getting your Plone website online? We'll cover Plone's Ansible playbook and AWS OpsWorks cookbooks.
PRODUCTION OPENSTACK PLONE DEPLOYMENTS - Serg Melikyan - Learn how to automate scalable multi-node deployments of Plone for OpenStack cloud and see how easy it is to have this automation tweaked to your taste.
CUSTOM WORKFLOWS - Calvin Hendryx-Parker - How to create and make optimum use of custom Plone workflows.
PLONE 5 THEMING - Maik Derstappen, Chrissy Wainwright - Creating a Diazo-based theme as a Plone add-on, allowing you to manage your code in a repository.
DOCS FOR INTEGRATORS - Sven Strack - Docs can help you plan, write and debug your application. Learn about different documentation setups and software. An easy example from will be covered, but this is not a Plone-specific class.
DOCS FOR DEVS - Sven Strack - How to set up continuous integration to test your code and docs, including auto-generated screenshots.
MAKE A PYRAMID MICROBLOG - Paul Everitt, Calvin Hendryx-Parker - How to build a simple web service with Pyramid, focusing on a quick start that lets you develop a blog-like website. As a comparison, includes a quick tour of doing the same thing in Plone.
PRODUCTIVE PYTHON WITH PYCHARM - Paul Everitt - PyCharm is an IDE (integrated development environment) for professional Python developers. Learn to use it.