All Presentations

Title Description
Add Even Richer Interaction to your Site: plone.patternslib Making it easy to use JavaScript patterns in Plone 5.
When Plone Is Not the Right Fit What to use for web applications without a content management component?
Is Plone a Good Choice for Large B2C Websites? What are the quick wins for companies using Plone for consumer oriented websites and applications?
Plone 5 versus Drupal 8: Civil Comparisons An up-to-date and educated comparison of the latest versions of the two popular enterprise-grade CMSes from the perspective of Plone and Drupal experts.
How to get Plone on your OpenStack Cloud A demo of automated deployments of Plone on OpenStack.
A Novel Undo Tool for Plone A user-facing restoration system built around zc.beforestorage.
Quaive: the Plone Intranet A demo of Plone's intranet toolbox and its design-first methodology
To Infinity and Beyond with Plone 5 Rikupekka peeks into his university’s future with Plone 5 - what challenges they might face and what benefits they will get.
The Headless CMS It's all the rage. Érico explains how to do it with Plone.
Making Everyone Happy Jeff will show us how Plone+Salesforce helps The Mountaineers, a diverse, volunteer-driven nonprofit, keep pace in the digital age.
Greater Than the Sum of the Parts Lessons from integrating Pyramid, React, and Plone (and elasticsearch, and Salesforce, and a payment gateway, and...)
Static Websites with Lektor Static websites are back in vogue, and for good reason: they’re incredibly cheap, limitlessly scalable, and impossible to hack.
Empowering Others by Removing Barriers Making life easy for code contributors.
Django + Salesforce Bill will describe how can be used as a Django database backend.
Deployment Showdown Sven will host a live competition where entrants show how many different cloud platforms they can deploy a working Plone instance to in 15 minutes.
Modern LDAP User and Group Authentication An update on pas.plugins.ldap.
Keynote: Python Web Technologies Brandon, who has been using Python since 1997 or 1998 (the exact year has been lost to history), will share his perspective on the past, present, and future of Python for the Web.
Flexible Data Access with Graph APIs With the digital experience spanning multiple platforms, we need data access APIs that support a variety of user interfaces built in different technologies.
Integrating SQL Data into your Plone Site How to make external data act like Plone content.
Web Development with Vim About a modern Vim setup
Faceted Navigation in Plone 5 Upgrading and developing for eea.facetednavigation.
Websauna A high level Python web framework that even military police can't break.
Filter Bubbles Guido riffs on the links between knowledge management theory, agile methodologies, the cold war, and more.
Plone Security in Context Plone is one of the most reliable content management systems and it has a very impressive security track record compared to other relevant commercial and open source CMSes.
Making Workflows Work for You Stephan will describe the Zope-based workflow technologies he is currently working on.
Building a Castle An opinionated distribution of Plone.
Collective.easyform Improvements A 2016 Google Summer of Code project.
Managing Video and VR Content with Plone Manabu will introduce two open source Plone add-ons that he and his colleagues have created.
An Illustrated Guide to Microservices The benefits and a how-to.
Transforming for the Future: A Swiss University Success Story Tom will outline the development process, the tools used, and show some of the Plone code that made the relaunch of this site a success.
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